Saturday, July 31, 2010

The Park

On Thursday nights from 5-7 we have outreach in St. Roch Park. This park is right across the street from where I live, I can sit at the window upstairs and watch people playing there. Anyways, this last week at the park was incredible. We grilled 300 hot dogs and we ran out of them because so many people came. It was extremely encouraging, since there has been a lot of violence going on in the neighborhood lately, to see so many people come out to hang out and eat together.

I face painted with my friend Julie and I am pretty sure we had to have painted at least 60 kids…and when I say face paint, that also includes arms, hands, backs, and ankles. These kids love getting tattoos. While we were in the middle of face painting, these loud shots went off a couple of streets down. The park got so quiet and all of the kids tensed up, ready to run. Julie and I immediately held onto the kids around us and said “don’t move, everything is fine.” After a few seconds of silence, people began to chat again and we finished out the fun night. I am pretty sure that the shots this time were just fireworks, but you really never know. I was filled with so much joy that nobody left the park when those loud noises happened. I think that it says a lot about what the community desires to be. A place where everyone can come together, hang out, play, and enjoy each other’s company; a place where kids don’t have to stay right beside their parents, but can run around freely in the park; a place where adults can engage in conversation with one another over a hot dog and chips; a place where we can come together and play basketball and football and tag; and ultimately a place where we can pray with our neighbors; a place where we can be a neighbor.

This particular outreach night was amazing. I cherish the time spent with my neighbors and I look forward to doing it again each week.

Oh, and this Tuesday the police are putting on a night out against crime at the park…all of the community will come together to stand against the crime that is happening. I am excited to see what God has in store for this community…I know that it is more than I could ever even imagine.


  1. God is Awesome... I'm praying for you and the community there. I love and miss you. Ginger

    The girls want to know if you are on Skype yet?

  2. Haha, actually I am going to try and figure out skype this weekend.
